Allan Espinosa

Lecture notes on iteration

2007 July 11

For my CE 21 class. The problem discussed earlier was, draw a triangle of stars given the length for a side of the triangle n. It can be illustrated as follows for n = 3.

* *

The next task is to center the triangle:

Then we want to be able to print a diamond


This C++ code is one of the solutions to the problem:

#include int main() { int n; std::cin >> n; int i = 1; // upper triangle while( i <= n ) { int space = n - i; for(int j = 1 ; j <= space ; j++ ) { std::cout << " “; } int j = 1; while( j <= i ) { std::cout <<”* “; j++; } std::cout << std::endl; i++; } // lower triangle i = n - 1; while( i >= 1 ) { int space = n - i; for(int j = 1 ; j <= space ; j++ ) { std::cout <<” “; } int j = 1; while( j <= i ) { std::cout <<”* "; j++; } std::cout << std::endl; i–; } return 0;}

For the homework, answer the Challenge section of the lecture slides on iterations:

  • Draw a pine tree with 3 sections

  • Each section should have n lines of stars

  • The start of the next section should have one less star than the end of the previous section

  • Add n lines of single asterisks for a stand

Example for n = 3:

<code>      *
     * *
    * * *
     * *
    * * *
   * * * *
    * * *
   * * * *
  * * * * *

Technorati Tags: ce21, c++, programming, loops, iterations